Friday, April 7, 2017

Extreme Weather in Peru

Within the last couple of months, Peru has had an extreme amount of rainfall. The extreme rainfall has caused flooding and landslides that are resulting in a high number of damage. The blame of extreme weather is believed to be caused by the phenomenon El Niño.

El Niño is the large-scale ocean-atmosphere climate interaction linked to a periodic warming in sea surface temperatures across the central and east-central Equatorial Pacific (National Ocean Service).

The rainfall has flooded some parts of the country, and has left many without drinking water, electricity, and no way of transportation because of flooding. The extreme weather has caused so much damage that the idea of building drainage in cities, better bridges, and highways have arise to help citizens.



  1. Very interesting post, if i ever visit Peru i'll remember to bring an umbrella. definitely wouldn't help for the landslides or flash floods though.

  2. Hi Jacob,
    I thought this was so interesting to read because while Peru is experiencing a massive amount of water but that doesn't help with their drinking situation. I couldn't imagine how the recovery from such damage even begins for a country. Id be interesting to hear their precautions and how they prepare for such storms. Great post! - Shauna
